The Lord of The Rings The Two Towers

Among the adventureous movies, The Lord of the Rings is one of my favourite. The scenry, the story and especially the character Frodo are the parts I like very much.

In the movie, Frodo is a most unlikely hero. A Hobbit, small and quiet, but possessing a true and noble spirit, Frodo becomes the bearer of the One Ring when it is left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo. The task therefore falls to him to do what no one else can, and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. The burden of this charge will lie heavy on Frodo, pulling at him constantly as he trodes the perilous path to Mordor from whence the One Ring came.

The Toybiz had made a Frodo action figure with 30 points of articulation. As a fans of Frodo, I do own one.


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